National EMS Colorado Springs, Co. 6/
National EMS Memorial Service Colorado Springs 6-21 to 6-22-13
Courtyard of the Antler Hilton honoring the 19 fallen EMS Heroes (signs) at Friday's Memorial Service
Individual cyclist ride into Colorado Springs Friday June 21, 2013 for the fallen EMS
Individual cyclist ride into Colorado Springs Friday June 21, 2013 for the fallen EMS members.
EMS from around the country follow cyclists for the memorial ride honoring the fallen on Friday.
EMS Honor Guard at Friday night ceremony
Bell of Honor Committee member Jan Throndson speaks on the Bell of Honor Mission Statement at Friday's ceremony
Bell of Honor Committee member, Dale Wellik stands with Grandfather of Fallen EMS Justin Hueston at Friday's Memorial Service.
Grandparents honor EMS Justin Hueston at Friday's Memorial Service.
EMS Honor Guard with Bell of Honor on Friday.
EMS Honor Guard - Saturday Memorial Service
Honor Guard Opening Memorial Service. Honor Guards were from 10 states representing the fallen on Saturday.
Jamie Blazak Student Univeristy of Colorado sign National Anthem.
Master of Ceremonies William J. Merrins III Captain
Medallions given to the family of the fallen EMS members on Saturday.
Flags and White Rose given to Family Members in Honor of their Heroes during Saturday Memorial Service.
EMS Honor Guard at Saturday ceremony
EMS Honor Guard at Saturday ceremony
Taps played after Saturday Ceremony honoring the fallen EMS members
Bell of Honor tolled 7 times in Honor of the 19 Fallen EMS Memorial service on Saturday.
Bell of Honor Plaque given to National EMS Board Leaders by Bell of Honor Committee members (L-R): Dick Denny and Dale Wellick.
Bell of Honor Plaque given to National EMS Board Leaders.
Colorado Flight Nurse Supporting her EMS Brothers and Sisters with Bell of Honor committee members (L-R): Dick Denny and Dale Wellick.
Bell of Honor Committee member Dale Wellick speaking to flight nurse on Saturday.
Colorado Springs K-9 Officer C. T. Schumm and K-9 Officer Blex search and secure Pikes Peak Center prior to EMS Memorial Service
Fallen EMT Justin Hueston family members stand with the Bell of Honor during Friday Memorial Service.
Family member recieved medallion, America Flag and white rose for David Hines Organ Procurement Specialist Mayo Organ Transplant Team at Saturday's memorial service.
Flight Paramedic Russel Piehl Mercy Air Med.
Flight Nurse Shelly Lair-Langenbau Mercy Air Med.
Rochester Dr. Luis Bonilla, Mayo Flight Team.
Pilot E. Hoke Smith Mayo Organ Transplant Team
Tree of Life honors all of the Fallen EMS Heroes (Saturday).
Family member transfers name of fallen from the bronze leaf on the Tree of Life. during Memorial service on Saturday.